
Camping Village Rocchette

Upon arrival, guests are kindly requested to show up a valid identity card or passport at the reception in order to make the check-in.


The vegetation of the camping village is a rare naturalistic heritage; it is subject to professional care and attention, which demands the collaboration of all our guests, even in the details. It is forbidden to tamper with the vegetation, to hang up hammocks or clotheslines, to fix or hang objects of any other kind, or to attach electrical cables. Our personnel is authorised to detach immediately any object attached to the trees in violation of these regulations.


A fundamental element for peaceful coexistence in the Camping Village, silence has to be observed during the hours displayed, from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm and from 11.00 pm to 08.00 am, this rule is valid for both children and adults and involves the camping and the village areas, animation/services areas excluded.


It is forbidden to light fires or charcoal or to throw cigarettes or matches: this will reduce any risk of fire and will help the staff to keep the village cleaned. In case of fire, please immediately notify it to the management or to the staff.

Circulation of vehicles

These restrictions are designed for the general quiet of the Camping Village, for the general safety and for the children as well. The speed limit for all vehicles is 5 km/h. It is forbidden to circulate whit all kinds of vehicles, by the swimming pool, the mall, restaurant and all service areas

All cars, motorbikes and motor scooter must be parked separated from the camping village in the parking area, and show the pass entrance on the main window screen of your own car. If not, we will charge € 10.00 per day. Guests’ cars parked in the campsite area and not authorised from the staff, will be charged of € 50,00 sanction. Upon arrival all guests will receive a magnetic card, in case of damage, the staff will charge € 10,00 sanction. Campers/Caravans cannot be moved from the pitch during the middle/high season (from June until the middle of September). For the operation of baggage uploading/downloading upon the arrival and departure, it is permitted to use our trolleys. We kindly ask you to replace them in the car park after using them.


Rubbish bins are positioned in a specific area of the camping signed on the map. Please help us recycling paper and plastic by using the proper bins. Guests are kindly requested not to leave garbage outside the proper bins.


Dog owners are obliged to always lead their animals on a leash and to always pick up excrement, both outside and if it occurs inside the facility; all pets are not allowed in the pool area, so we ask dog-owning guests to strictly observe this prohibition. They may, however, have access to the restaurant, subject to prior reservation. Dogs must never be left unattended, but always with their owners so as not to disturb other guests, thus promoting civilised coexistence. Pets are only allowed in the camping area, for guests with their own camper van, caravan or tent and in the Lodge Tent and Mini Lodge Tent; they are not allowed inside the bungalows.

Swimming pool

It is strictly forbidden to swim after the closing time: we suggest our guest to pay attention to the he swimming pool regulations. Children are always required to use a swimsuit. Sunbeds are available at € 2.00/sunbed/day.


this area is only conceived for children (up to 12), adults are allowed only to supervise them.

Electricity for campers

Hook-up points – electric rubber cables are only allowed with under EEC regulation and should be extended on the ground without passing through the main roads. Cables must have a length not exceeding 25 metres. The electricity is distributed to 220V and 6A. Do not use hairdryers, irons and other high absorption devices, this would cause power interruption; for such uses, guests are kindly requested to use common services near the toilet block.


We kindly ask our guests to use water very consciously.

Daily guests

Daily guests are admitted during office opening hours upon payment, they are not allowed in the bungalows unless the number of the guests in the bungalow is inferior to the maximum of persons allowed.


The Camping Village Rocchette is under supervision. By the way, the Management does not take any responsibility for money or objects belonging to the guests.

Holiday Village

Accommodation delivery is guarantee between 4.00pm and 7.00pm: after the check-in procedure, the staff will accompany guests to the assigned accommodation. In case of earlier arrival (before 4.00pm), after the check-in procedure, guests can use the services of the Camping Village Rocchette.

Upon arrival a deposit of € 150,00 cash (or a credit card number to just secure the accommodation) is required. This to ensure any claim of damage of the bungalow; on departure the state of the bungalow will be checked and if everything is ok, the staff will return the deposit. Upon departure, € 50,00 will be charged if the kitchenette won’t be cleaned from guests; kitchenette cleaning is not included in final cleanings.

Guests are pleased to verify the integrity of the accommodation and communicate any kind of defects or missing object to reception within 24H from your arrival. It is required to settle the balance of the stay upon the arrival, during the check in procedure. All accommodations are non-smoker. Guests are kindly requested not to move (inside or outside the accommodation) any kind of furniture..


The reservation is personal, non-transferable and it represents a free contract between the Guest and Camping village Rocchette.

Cancellation policy

Penalty 100% for No-Show. Penalty 100% of the total booking cost within 7 days prior to arrival. No Penalty within 8 days prior to arrival. No reduction is expected if the arrival is not in accordance with reservation or if the departure is prior to the booked period stay. In the case of delayed arrival, bungalows/pitches will be available until 01.00pm of the following day of the reservation, after this time, the customer will be considered no-show, unless previous communication by fax, e-mail or fax. Minors are not allowed unless with an adult for all duration of the stay. If guests leave before the end of the rental period, the total amount of their stay until the date of departure will have to be paid.

Bookings are weekly from Saturday to Saturday from June to September. The minimum booking period is one week, unless different confirmation from our booking office; the confirmation must be sent by e-mail. Payment must be settled upon the arrival with a credit card (diners not accepted) or cash (just for payments under € 900,00), cheques not accepted. At the beginning and at the end of the season, depending on the number of guests, some of the services offered will be reduced or not working during your stay. All refunds will be returned from the end of November of the current year.

Club Card:

Club card obligatory € 6,00 per day in the camping site, valid up to 4 people, Bung. A/B/Mini Lodge; € 7,00 valid up to 5/6 people, Bung. C/D/Lodge Tent. It includes the use of all sports activities, fitness area, Turkish bath, animation activities and shuttle bus service to the beach (June-September only). Booking your holiday at the Camping Village Rocchette means full acceptance of this regulation. We also reserve the right to make additional changes to this regulation.Please be sure that all the above regulations are respected, so that everyone can enjoy a good holiday. Guests are kindly requested to respect our regulation.